
You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle

I bought few paperbacks for my summer vacation and this was one of them. Read it really fast.

When I started to put this book as "read" in my Goodreads account I found out that I had already added this in my "want to read" shelf back in August 2019. I had no memory of it. That's how unorganized my tbr pile is. 🤣

Love is a mysterious thing. You never know what's going to happen when you let yourself fall in love. Most of the time you don't have a choice. You just fall in love with someone. My best friend just told me that loss is the price of the love. It sounds kind of sad, but I believe it's true. You can't have everything, you lost something and then you find something. 

Naomi hasn't many months before she's marrying the love of her life, expect that it doesn't feel like it. It doesn't feel that Nicholas is the love of her life. It feels like she's pretending. She's pretending to be perfect. She counts her love towards Nicholas on percentages. She believes that Nicholas is perfectly happy with the way things are in their relationship. It isn't until one day they're having a fight that she learns that Nicholas isn't happy either.

This book made me laugh out loud so many times. But then I got frustrated with characters too. Why they just don't talk with each other? Like I stated my previous post; it's important to learn to speak with your partner. Maybe this book is realistic in a way, because it sure isn't easy to start talking about hard topics. The book is told by Naomi's POV so we don't get to see inside of Nicholas' head. I think it would have made this book different. Now we only see things from Naomi's POV and that's kind of the whole point in this book. This book is all about troubles in relationship. We only know our POV in real life too, unless the other tells their POV to us. Now we get to see all Naomi's insecurities, hardships and all those good things. I could see a lot of myself in Naomi. 

What it's to like fall in love again with the person you're going to marry? How hard will it be? How does it feel to let other one see you as in whole? You're deciding to show all of you, not just good parts. How should you act towards your partner when you're feeling down? How you show them you're happy?

This book was a really good read. I enjoyed the funny moments, I felt anxious and happy. This is great summer read, but it sure got me thinking about my own relationship. I believe in true love. I think that there can be more than one true love. I believe in working to make your relationship better. My favorite line from the book was "Being in love is frantic. Fluttery. Falling. It's nervous sweats and pounding heartbeats and a feeling of tremendous rightness.". Because love is that and so many other things. What a great debut novel from Sarah Hogle!


You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle
G.P. Putnam's Sons

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